3 de junio de 2006

5/26/2006 - Mujeres al volante

Ayyy las mujeres al volante! mi hermana tiene 19 años no tiene ni mucha práctica en el arte de la manejada, las pocas veces que me he arriesgado a salir con ella no es que sea mala conduciendo pero que stress! tengo varias amigas, de esas que son maletas y subirse al carro con ellas es un CRASO ERROR! no me acuerdo adonde ví que ir en un carro y que una mujer vaya manejando es como jugar lotería, porque uno se va escapando a morir en cada esquina: el chucho! el niño! el poste! la viejita! el panadero! la jura! ... LOTERÍA y es que no es por nada pero es un hecho! yo les pido disculpas a aquellas que no son la típica mala conductora (hi mom!) pero yo a las pruebas me remito, solo fijense cuando vaya una fémina conduciendo si es que como comentaba con un amigo, hacen 20 maniobras para parquearse, no calculan bien, o van muy rapido o muy lento en fin de todo! traigo esto a colación porque me enviaron al mail una crónica y de plano que que suerte que nuestro país es pequeño y no lidiamos con carreteras atestadas de carros porque de plano que la mara falleciera de infarto al miocardio a cada momento, ok aquí les queda (sorry spanish speakers) está matado del chiste!

Female Drivers

I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver cut right in front of a pickup truck, causing him to have to drive on to the shoulder to avoid hitting her. This evidently angered the driver enough that he hung his arm out his window and "flipped" the woman off."Man, that guy is stupid," I thought to myself. I ALWAYS smile nicely and wave in a sheepish manner whenever a female does anything to me in traffic, and I drive 48 miles each way every day to work.That's 96 miles each day.Of these, 16 miles each way is bumper-to-bumper.Most of the bumper-to-bumper is on an 8-lane highway.There are 7 cars every 40 feet for 32 miles.That works out to be 982 cars every mile, or 31,424 cars.Even though the rest of the 32 miles is not bumper-to-bumper, I figure I pass at least another 4000 cars.That brings the number to something like 36,000 cars that I pass every day.Statistically, females drive half of these.
That's 18,000 women drivers!In any given group of females, 1 in 28 has PMS.That's 642.According to Cosmopolitan, 70% describe their love life as dissatisfying or unrewarding.That's 449.According to the National Institute of Health, 22% of all females have seriously considered suicide or homicide.That's 98.And 34% describe men as their biggest problem.That's 33.According to the National Rifle Association, 5% of all females carry weapons, and this number is increasing.That means that EVERY SINGLE DAY, I drive past at least one female that has a lousy love life, thinks men are her biggest problem, has seriously considered suicide or homicide, has PMS, and is armed.Flip her off? ...... I think not.

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