1 de abril de 2009

Good bye

In psychology, self-esteem reflects a person 's overall evaluation or appraisal of her or his own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, "I am competent / incompetent") and emotions (for example, triumph / despair, pride / shame). Behavior may reflect self-esteem (for example, assertiveness / timorousness, confidence / caution).

I have no more self esteem, I'm quitting, no more Serial Killer Mario as a blogger I'm tired and I don't want to write anymore, I'm sorry, catch you guys later.

Happy april's fool!!! This is the first time that I'm doing it in english and the american date, in ES it is december 28th and you guys can see how I came out of the closet on 2007 and I was shutting down my blog on 2008 (sorry it's in spanish) :p

11 comentarios:

DavidC dijo...

a vos eso de voy a dejar de escribir... es como que yo dijera ke voy a dejar de bebesh alcohol... PUUUUUURAS PROMESAS POLITICAS!!! :@... ajajaja ya no cai... -_- pero como ya te habre contado esas endejadas del positivismo y la self-steem, me la paso por los guebos. :P

Cc¡ dijo...

I knew it XD

Clau dijo...

well, I know what its SK right now...I'm scary

And I hate these jokes on my Bday, 28th december.

Minino dijo...

Je je..

No more Internet..
Enjoy this episode:


Mr.Venom dijo...


Te time jajajaja!

Unknown dijo...

hahah una mejor hubieras hecho xD hahhaha es como ke imposible kreer eso de vs francia! lo siento

this blog its just something that you just cant leave behind!

Mariocopinol dijo...

Anonymous 1: I know! :p

David: El dia q vs dejes de bbr ese día dejo de escribir pero no vale si te moris de cirrosis o algo derivado del alcohol!

Ceci: What can I say, Im predictable!

Clau: dont worry, its a personal joke that I have with my coworkers in the makila!

Li'l cat: kewl!

Mr poison: No, you didnt! :p

Anonymous 2: I enjoy it A LOT! :p

Sanyaya: I will die and will keep writing in my tomb!!!

Thx 4 passing by!!!

Atlántida dijo...

¡Menudo susto! no entendía nada, ese goodbye me ha llegado al alma.

Mariocopinol dijo...

Jajaja! es el dia de los inocentes en los US of A y muchos me visitan de esos lares!

Gracias pr pasar!

Lauuuuuuuuuuuuuu dijo...

dundoooooooooooooooooo, ajjajaja!

Mariocopinol dijo...

Lau: soqueeeeeeeeeee q cayo!