First and foremost Id like to ask for your apologies, Im not really in the mood and Id like to post this as thrashy and slangy possible in order to prevent the function of the online translators, I reserve to myself the reasons why but unfortunately Im not that sick (to use ghettoish language)
Well, eventhough I feel very comfortable typing in english I still have doubts regarding the functionability of the language (regarding my purpose typing in anglais) but Im getting short of resources and I need to vent out.
The title of the post? well, I saw it in a blog and I kinda like it, it says no, I dont regret anything and pretty much sums up what Ive been into as of late, Id like to mention that Murphy's laws are shitty but full of wisdom and they are accurate most of the times, usually what its going to end bad, ENDS BAD.
Theres this one guy I met on saturday that had a brief talk with my friends in this bar La Fonda de don Jose, maybe Im getting this stuck in my mind out of nowhere and I need to let it go, but Id like to talk about him, it seems hes a consuetudinary customer and was all over the place (it was my first time there) and he came back to our table, I was completely idle talking to Camilo, my friend about an apparently unsuccesful relationship of mine that I was hesitant to share about but I had it in my mind for so many days that I needed to take it off my chest, he was badmouth and everything but anything that I couldnt handle, after a couple of Golden I was trying to figure out how to deal with the other "peculiar" visitors of our table, after all I was there to "try" to relax and "try" to forget the tired week that I had, there was this other guy Helio and he was quarrelsome and bitchy he was a maltrago you know and after a few Regias was talking shit, anyways my point was this dentist, Juan José, hes like 6'3'' maybe even 6'4'' and maybe 400 pounds, he started talking to me and I behave just like myself however this son of the gun apparently has some sort of speedy analysis capacity but no one else ever EVER told me what he said, yeah I recognize I was amazed but if I articulated 3 or 4 minutes of talk it was too much! He said eventhough Im not sick of anything Im cool enough to not smoke (hey I said hes analytic not Nostradamus or David Copperfield, how could he know it was a promise I made more than 7 years ago?) he said I have my selfesteem up to the roof, (we were discussing parenthood things) but he said Im alone cuz I dont find anyone good enough for me, that Im too cocky (eek!) I mean with the possible exception of last years "attempt" of dating and this years Ive been all by myself and now Im a pretencious guy who thinks wayyy too much about himself!? HELL NO! Lots of people that know me can certify I have no shit in my brains! but as I said before, maybe I give too much credit to those persons who has a sudden impact in my life but whos perfect!? well, long story short the guy said he will introduce me his sister! ja! and I look like Pavarotti! :D
BTW theres a lot of narrow-minded, two-faced guys out there that would like to chop the fallen tree but I couldnt care less! I dont give a rats ass about those motherfuckers all I know its that Im a laid-back, cheerful, non conceited guy that enjoy to spend my free time in good company and not alone as I used to do it for a long time.
9 comentarios:
peculiar = interesting
just a tip!
you sound good, but you sound like a dictionary and you pretty much write as if you writing in Spanish
Read Charles Dickens nope I haven't read it but a dude on a call when I was at Sykes told me that i have good accent blah blah blah the shitty stuff they say when they liked you and they find out you are a Latino so he said that he can use the same word like 7 times on a chapter and the word is never gonna have the same meaning
I'm no saying that you don't sound right, because you do! the thing is that it feels with less power that when you write in Spanish but somehow at the same time it feels with the same pation that use to write in all of your posts so just charles dickens
hahahaha well I hope you liked it...
that when = than when
sorry for the mistake!
Carlitos Murcia said it all...
estemmm ponelo en español...
I do not think it feels with less power when u write in English.. but oh well.. I love when u write in English.. lol.
U look like Pavarotti? lmao!
I agree: You're a laid-back, cheerful, non conceited guy that enjoy to spend his free time in good company and not alone.
Mario, you'll be Oookkkk..
Perdón por no escribir antes.. o por no escribirte nada en el mssngr today, but i was washing the dishes.. lol
TQMuchito. Lau.
Eventhough I appreciate your comments Pinito, I dont know if I feel appreciated or insulted jejeje a dictionary!?!? cmon!
btw heres peculiar so I sound more like a dictionary
peculiar (p-kylyr)
Unusual or eccentric; odd.
Distinct from all others.
See Synonyms at strange.
Belonging distinctively or primarily to one person, group, or kind; special or unique: rights peculiar to the rich; a species peculiar to this area. ,
Aun no he entendido el por que de tu onda de escribir en ingles de vez en cuando.
En fin sos libre de hacerlo si queres hasta en Arameo.
Saludos vooo!!
Daniel es un purista del lenguaje, por eso opina siempre de eso. Ofrecele escribir las Curves of the Sine Anecdotes a ver que te dice JAJAJA
Sigo pensando que prefiero tus post en español un millon de veces...
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