9 de junio de 2008

my mistake : (

I like to use the common saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" (meaning you dont have to share your interlocutor's opinion if you dont want to) at least I dont feel compelled to share someone else's point of view, we can talk and discuss and if we come to an agreement, good! if not, no biggie, we agree to disagree.

Whats wrong with Marios head today? you might say, no, dont worry, Im not going nuts (at least not yet) but I was largely involved in a discussion with a friend of mine and it seems people tend to create problems out of nowhere, just for kicks, they mess around with their heads just because they are bored or maybe because they just wanted to be victims of the cruel system and want to fight the power back! I dont know, its kinda selfdestructive, its going to sound confusing but my nature its inquisitor, I need to know the reasons behind everything and I was trying to rationalize some things that are wayyy off my hands and I just need to let my emotions arise and given that I know myself quite good, believe me, thats not a problem for me!

Maybe the game of love its not for me, Im not supposed to play it but as another common saying goes "Dont hate the player, hate the game" (to establish you are not the one who set the rules to be followed) sometimes I feel that should be my motto, but dont get me wrong, I know for sure fresh starts are often the best and with a positive attitude nothing should stand in the way of happiness.

To finish my boring essay, I once read a phrase and rapidly caught my attention, I saved it for myself: "I know now that people lie and promises can be broken as quick as they are made" now I know thats soooo true! Its a damn shame because good things fly in front of your eyes before you can reach out and grab them, there are opportunities that happen only once in a lifetime!

1 comentario:

blah dijo...

You are right about what you told me Mario. But for some reason and as you mentioned...we tend to rationalize things way too much. I guess we all try to find a small ray of light during those dark and lonely moments..some stupid idea just comes to mind as a bit of hope in trying to get back something that is our of reach.
its fucking hard...you know that..i know that...