15 de julio de 2006

women with muscle

I was flipping channels and all of a sudden I found a tv broadcast about a shape contest, something about fitness america yadda yadda, in Las Vegas, damn! they're in another league, I mean c'mon! it's ok to feel the need to take care of yourself and everything but they're a lil bit......let's say extravagant to say the least, cuz I wouldn't like to feel veins and hard textures (if you know what I mean) I think women are meant to be feminine and delicate and pumping iron like that it's not precisely the best way to show how girly they can be! during the commercials they showed a tv spot about musclemania, maaann they gave me the creeps! It's incredible the best good looking (in my manly and hetero eyes) was a 34 y/o that didn't even make the cut! the rest of them looked like men! I don't want to give the wrong impression, everyone's entitled to its own opinion, as a matter of fact, the only female that I've met in real life with a very musculative body frame its the one nicknamed "Iron Grandma" Patricia Saade (hi Patty!) she's 47 and so proud of her appearance! she even made the newspapers! a couple of notes here and there talking about her discipline and dedication to the bodybuilding, as I said before and everyone that know me it's able to say Im not lying, live and let live! but that's not my style!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

a mi no me gustan las mujeres con mas musculos que yo, simplemente la imagen suave y delicada de la mujer se cambia por completo por un monton de musculos en lugares donde yo no tengo nada!

aunque si, admiro a esas personas porque tienen una voluntad de hierro

dicen que entre mas musculoso seas, sos mas tieso en el sexo, algo que muchos no quisieran
