16 de noviembre de 2008

muggers motherfuckers

On monday I had a tremendous pain in my right fist, I beat the crap out of a mugger who LITERALLY jumped out of a Coaster and probably took with him the product of his thievery. He had a knife in his hand and I thought he would run away, neeeeeeee, he approached me and the moment he picked the knife I threw my headsets at the knife and hit him as hard as I could (Im right handed but used my left) he dropped the knife, I picked it up threw it away and I said, "Hoy si parate bonito hijuemilputas que te voy a arrancar el alma" (Suit yourself motherfucker, Im gonna kick your ass) and I only had the chance to hit him 4 times, he looked like a boxer (swollen) but I still had the adrenaline on a rush, he picked up the headsets and ran away from me. Bastard!

A mugger is someone who intends to rob you, often with the threat of assault, which makes it hard to be prepared in any way. Even so, its vital that your personal safety comes first, so think before you act. Do you put up a fight, make a big noise, attempt to run away or just submit to their demands? Only you can decide, based on the situation as it unfolds, just dont do anything that increases the risk of getting hurt.

Choosing to comply without resistance wont make you less of a victim, or weaken your case in any way. What counts is that you protected yourself in the best way you could, and anyone from family and friends to the police (if they are useful) will recognize that and respect you for it.

Just dont be tempted to tool up with a weapon of any kind. Even if you feel its for self-protection, the law doesnt see it that way. If anything, it can only increase your risk of attracting more trouble.

Being mugged is a traumatic event. It can trigger a range of strong emotions that may be hard to handle and can even change over time. The bottom line is that whatever you are feeling is fine, from shock to anger, isolation and depression, but in every case it helps to open up about it. Confiding in someone you trust, from a close friend, a family member, or even a counselor can help you get things in perspective, and allow you to move on with your life.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Sorry, man. I'm glad you're ok, though. I mean, all things considered...

Anónimo dijo...

por q escriben en ingles?? q no ven q me dificultan las cosas! en fin, q bueno q no te pasó nada....bueno solo el dolor en tu puño!

Erick dijo...

Wow! I know what you mean I've been mugged too but the mugger had a gun so... you can imagine... but the important thing is that you're ok

Mariocopinol dijo...

Thx guys!

SLAS, es pq este blog es bilingue y cuando me acuerdo es trilingue! :p

Anónimo dijo...

pobrecita yo....ni sikiera sabia q SLAS (te referias a mi)...mucho menos entender 3 lenguas!!! :S pero haré el intento!