26 de octubre de 2010

How a book can end up in your hands

Today I was engaged in the middle of a heated conversation with a customer and he requested an escalation, the supervisor on duty took it. In order to vent I was wandering around on the floor and I saw one book in an empty desk, there was no way I could see it if I wasn't walking around. It was really far from where I seat. I asked if the book belongs to somebody around and no one answered, I asked the sales supervisor about it and said that he could sell me the item for US$20 (yeah sales people, go figure!) but the book didn't even belong to him, he said:

- Take it, I can't remember how much I've seen that %$·"·/()=?¿ in here lately. Hell, I don't even know how come the book made it to this place anyways, there's a lot of donkeys in here that can barely spell!

I guess sometimes there are some things that are just meant to happen, like the finding that I'm relating. Ahh yes! this is the book that caught my attention immediately.

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